Sessions I won’t miss during WordFest Live

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WordFest Live starts on 23th July. It will feature 66 sessions from a variety of WordPress related topics. I decided to pick 9+1 sessions that I won’t miss for sure.

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Building in Public: How I Leveraged Audience and Community to Build and Grow a New Plugin

I met Lesley on Twitter. All because she was building Newsletter Glue in public. I really love the way she shares her knowledge about upcoming changes in the NG plugin together with explanation why they are implementing them.

A Conversation with Mike Little

I’m a big fan of Mike. I had a chance to meet him during WordCamp London few years ago. Also, because Mike doesn’t speak too often in public, it’s rare chance to hear him.

Introduction to PHP Namespaces

Sal Ferrarello will explain what are the benefits of using PHP namespaces. Although namespace are something familiar to me, I still want to hear Sal’s take on this.

Building OpenWeb With Decoupled WordPress & Gatsby Using GraphQL

Imran Sayed will explain what have they learned about building sites with decoupled WordPress, Gatsby and GraphQL.

WordPress’s Impact on Climate Change – Steps on the Way to Cleaner and More Sustainable Web

I really love presentations about Sustainable Web. It’s a very important topic that many developers overlook.

WordPress as a Micro Service to any framework

This talk looks very promising. Craig plans to show how use Web Components and explain business implications of such usage.

Is the Future of WordPress Headless?

Miriam Schwab asks a very important question about the WordPress future and is it connected with headless.

Giving Back: How a Company Can Successfully Implement Five for the Future

WebDevStudios shares how they implemented Five for the Future in their company. Personally I’m a big fan of WDS and I’m also trying to spend some time on the last Friday every month.

Diversity in Technology: A Panel Discussion

The topic of diversity is really something important and I’m very happy that Francesca Marano will lead this panel. I’m not sure what I can’t except from this discussion, but I know I want to learn something new.

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Static WordPress – How To Make WordPress Faster And More Secure?

This is the presentation I really have to attend, because I will be speaking. I’m really glad that WordFest organizers gave me a chance to share my knowledge with others.

As you can see – there are a lot of interesting talks during this edition of WordFest – if you still didn’t got your ticket – do it now.

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