This week: remote work, Object Cache, popular WooCommerce plugins, WP-CLI packages, and much more…

Carl Alexander is a PHP developer from Montréal, Canada. He’s the solo founder of Ymir, a serverless DevOps platform for PHP.
He also has a website where he publishes articles regularly. It’s his way to help the WordPress community with these hard-to-learn topics.You can also find him on Twitter and GitHub.
Been really enjoying a lot of the articles published on GitHub’s ReadME Project recently. This is a publication I wasn’t aware of until recently. But the breath and quality of the articles published there are really impressive.
So I thought I’d share some good articles I read there.
One of the most important things I ever did was share my work. I write articles, record videos, share projects on GitHub, etc. I think it’s something that every developer should do. (I’ve even done talks about it!)
But it’s not a guaranteed that you’ll have success about it. It just increases your “luck Surface Area”. And I was happy to see Aaron discuss that here.
Sustainability in open source is a complex topic. It’s also one that comes up in WordPress pretty regularly with “Five for the Future” and other initiatives. This is to mitigate the “Free Rider” problem.
But maintaining an open source project goes beyond the financial. swyx discusses how open source shouldn’t rely on a single maintainer or “maintainer monolith”. Instead, we should look outside tech to see how we can find a more sustainable model of supporting open source.
Confession time! I’ve never been a JavaScript believer. JavaScript is great for some things. But I always felt this urge to use JavaScript everywhere was misplaced especially with WordPress where there will always be a PHP backend.
One of the most exciting developments in the last 2-3 years has been a push to pull what I call a “Reverse JavaScript”. Using backend languages with some JavaScript to build dynamic frontends like you would with React or Vue. Klint does a great job explaining the history of the practice and the different tools you can use to do it.
P.S. If you’d like to try to bring this to WordPress, come talk to me on Twitter.

Leo Postovoit decided to respond to the recent criticism of remote work. And I fully agree with him – I have been working remotely for years too.

Felipe Elia explains exactly what Object Cache is, why it is worth implementing and how to do it.

Have you ever wondered which plugin in your WooCommerce store is the most popular? Thanks to the latest Ellipsis report you can find it out (and some other interesting facts).
Nick Diego explains what are the so-called Contextual Patterns. I highly recommend you to read it, because it’s a really great way to make working with blocks and patterns easier.
The makers of Astra, Brainstorm Force, have just released Spectra 2.0. Spactra is a Gutenberg based builder. It looks really interesting and I look forward to more serious performance testing.
Jon Christopher, the creator of OrganizeWP, compares different plugin pricing models.
Mike Davey has picked some of the most useful extensions for WP-CLI. I didn’t know about the “doctor-command” package, and it looks really interesting.
TasteWP, a service that allows you to start WP in a very short time and they just introduced a premium offer.
Eric Karkovack describes how we should respond (or not) to the so-called WPDrama.
HumanMade has just released Altis v12. I especially like the support for GitHub Codespaces.
Lax Mariappan shows how to transfer content from one site that is part of WordPress MulitSite as a separate website.
Alexander Goller wonders about the readability of the code, especially in terms of how block themes look like today.
Thorsten Frommen of HumanMade explains why you shouldn’t use the rank of Super Admin.
Brain Coords has created a very useful plugin for FSE, thanks to which we can easily get to the place where we can edit templates used on a given page.