This week: Advanced Custom Fields 6.0, Block Themes, Timber 2.0 Beta, and more.

Ross is a creative and curious software developer who works at Delicious Brains and has too many side projects. He’s worked in software and IT for over 20 years and with WordPress since 2010.
WordPress is just one tool in my developer toolbox, and I love to keep an eye on what is happening in the broader software development world and bring back some of what I find to share with WordPress folk. Here are some recent things I’ve found.
PHP 8.2 has reached feature-freeze, betas are available to test, and its release is scheduled for late November. Brent’s simple email-dripped series is a great way to learn what’s coming down the line with the language. Did you know that PHP 8.0 will leave active support in November too?!
I love a bit of development philosophy, and this is a fascinating post about frameworks vs fundamentals in web programming that references an interesting talk video. There seems to be a lot of discussion going on about how we build the web right now so discussions like this seem important.
I love Brian Gardner’s encouragement to “seize the day”. What can you do to embrace your creative side, have some fun with your coding or web building skills, and “make people happy… motivate people… inspire people”?
This is DEEP in the weeds of JavaScript, but this new dependency manager, bundler and JS runtime (like npm + node.js) seems to embrace a lot of what I think makes build tooling good: it’s really fast, and it’s really simple. I’m trying to learn some React and Next.js and doing it with Bun has been a joy! If Bun isn’t the future, perhaps it will inspire the incumbents to improve? Tasty stuff!!

The beta version of Advanced Custom Fields 6.0 has seen the light of day. This iteration provides several new features to Repeater Fields and blocks.

A while back, on Do the Woo, Zach Stepek, Till Kruss, and Carl Alexander discussed what it means to be a WordPress Developer. Now, Ebonie Butler, Lisa Canini, Kathy Zant, and Robbie Adair explore the topic further.

Freemius features an excellent interview with Artur Grabowski and Chris Lubkert from Extendify on the significance of networking.
Eric Karkovack speculates on the future development of the block theme market. According to him, it will take time before block themes become standard.
WP Beginner has published WPCode, a very nice plugin that not only allows to easily paste snippets but also has a large library of those.

Timber 2.0 has finally arrived!
Timber 2.0.0 – Beta 1Jonathan Wold wonders if a medieval guild business model could be used in the WordPress world.
WP Builders Fightclub is a compelling project that lets us compare the speed results achieved when recreating the same template with different builders.
In Delicious Brain Waves Episode 13, Sanjucta Ghose and Sam Munoz share their experiences in the IT industry.
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski talk to Syed Balkhi about creating WordPress plugins.
Do the Woo has also had Adam Silverstein speak on the performance of Core WordPress.
Bjarne Oldrup has updated his article on recommended headers to increase security.
At WebDevStudios Laura Coronado shares ideas on how to make our blog interesting.