This week: a webinar on documentation, static WordPress sites, WordPress event calendar, and much more.

Buddy conducted a superb webinar on documentation with Milana Cap. It teaches how to make our documentation better.

Design suggestions for the new WordPress home and download pages are already available for viewing. To be honest, the improvement over the current version is substantial.
Project Update: Homepage and Download page mockups
StellarWP has launched a calendar of all WordPress events. It seems pretty cool, especially the ability to add a series of events.
Liam Gladdy shows how to create a fully portable block with ACF. It’s a terrific option, the only downside of which is that it requires ACF 6.0.
What are the so-called “nulled” themes and plugins? Should we use them and how do we fight when we discover that our code has been hacked?
WPHosting Performance ranks the fastest WordPress hosting services. It is worth getting to know their methodology to understand how this ranking is created.
Nick Diego examines the possibilities of the Block Locking API. It helps prevent a given block from movement or removal.
Miriam Schwab from Strattic came to the Cloudinary podcast and explained what headless WordPress is and what are the benefits of static WP.
The website of WordCamp Europe Porto posted the final entry and a video summary of the event.
Relja Novović assessed the performance of Cloudflare PRO and WordPress APO. It’s a must-read for those considering the monthly investment of five or twenty dollars.
WebP will be the default format in the next WordPress version. I fully agree as I see no reason for clinging to jpg or png, but for some exceptions.
An excellent article explaining when or if using SCSS still makes sense.
Erik Torsner explains how to manage plugins using WP-CLI on the Delicious Brains blog,
Jeff Matson releases a handy repository full of various useful snippets.
If you are considering converting WordPress to a static version it’s worth checking out Zach Leatherman’s speed comparison of the most popular static page generators.