This issue brings you: W3C & Craft CMS, WP developers’ mistakes, storm around Hacktoberfest and Guest editor and much more…
This edition also hosts a guest editor. Maciek Kuchnik, known for his “Make WordPress” podcast, shares interesting articles on Gutenberg
Guest editor:

Creator of a weekly podcast “Make WordPress”. Associated with WP since 2009, active member of PL WP community. Prefers simple and effective solutions while working with WP.
My current projects dictated the choice of topics . For some time Gutenberg has become one of my basic tools to work with WP. Additionally, with each new project, I love it more and more 😊
A deep dive into Gutenberg prepared by iThemes. Here you will find extensive information on the editor, starting from its history to plugins expanding on its functionality. .
First from the „Ask the Bartender” articles series from WP Tavern. This one takes on building themes and block editor.
Find out what’s new in the latest version of the most popular SEO optimization plugin. 15.0 premiered last week.
Cloudflare blog presented an interesting view on analytics preserving the privacy of users of the monitored website.

How Astra avoided a 6-week ban? Watch this amusing video. To be honest I too was a bit surprised that the case was resolved so quickly.
Abuse or Luck? The Real Story of Astra Theme’s Suspension on WordPress.orgWordPress Themes team created a library that will facilitate downloading Google Fonts to our server directly.
Here is Studio 24’s why W3C finally decided on Craft CMS

Additionally, Amanda Rush describes why she thinks setting higher priority for availability was a great decision.

Yoast took on Francesca Marano as WordPress core team lead. It’s worth mentioning they also hired two WP contributors recently.
Freemius explains most common mistakes by WordPress developers.
A collection of snippets for adjusting built-in sitemaps in WP.
As we have mentioned, FB is planning to change its oEmbed policy slightly. To avoid problems with disappearing embeds from Facebook and Instagram, WordPress VIP advises installing Jetpack and running Shortcode Embeds.
What Jeremy Felt misses the most in WordPress comments.
Which is better? Dark mode or light mode?
With October, the Hacktoberfest started. This otherwise cool initiative supporting Open Source projects will sadly be remembered this year for vandals trying to get a T-shirt.
Upcoming events:
12 – 16 Oct WP Agency Summit. A conference for all WP based agencies’ owners with an impressive list of speakers.
13 – 14 Oct WooSesh. A virtual conference dedicated to WooCommerce.