This week: WordFest Live 2021, PHP debugger, websites optimizing, a new tool from Kinsta, global styles in Gutenberg…
Alex Denning wrote a truly excellent article on how WordPress products should fight for their place and find their niche.

Spatie, a Belgian company, has just launched a new PHP debugger. It works great from what I’ve tested, and it already has an official plugin for WP.

Swizec Teller aptly described why though senior developers seem to get nothing done (ostensibly, at least), companies still save a lot of money thanks to them
WordFest Live 2021

A 24-hour WordPress fest for people from all around the world!
As you know, on Jan 22 (Friday) an extraordinary conference is held by the crew from Big Orange Heart. We collected some links for you that will direct you to the crucial info.
Firstly, you can still register & join as participants. It’s free, yet bear in mind you can support Big Orange Heart with your donation.
Speakers – you’ll find information on all people performing in WordFest here. You will undoubtedly recognize a few names, and the variety of topics is impressive.
A detailed timetable divided into scenes is available, of course. WordFest will last 24h.
This event wouldn’t take place, were it not for the group of wonderful sponsors! Among them: GoDaddy Pro, WP Buffs, Bluehost, Yoast & many others:
On ‘Do The Woo’ You’ll find an excellent podcast episode on the process of organizing the event, described by Michelle Frechette, Dan Maby, Hauwa Abashiya & Cate DeRosia:
Finally, you can watch an interview with Dan Maby as part of GoDaddy Pro. You’ll find out not only how supportive the WordPress community is but also what you can expect when joining WordFest Live 2021.
Kinsta was a bit jealous of WP Engine’s Local tool and decided to create a similar app of their own. I have tried it already and it looks promising.
This article is more on optimization than on WordPress. It’s common knowledge that optimizing is crucial so I couldn’t let this one slide. By the way, I didn’t know the CSS property called content-visibility.
Eric Karkovack shared his thoughts on Full Site Editing. I like his conclusions on whether FSE will threaten themes based on page builders.
Milana Cap created a great guidebook on how to use Github Actions for deployment to WP Engine servers.
I have already mentioned that Timber went 2.0 alpha. I figured I’d check how it works & if the update process is complicated.
Here’s a thorough instruction on how to create a paid newsletter with Memberful & Newsletter Glue.
Fränk Klein published a comprehensive guidebook on global styles in the Gutenberg.
WP Rocket took the motto ‘new year, new me’ to heart and decided to change their website & branding. I find it okay – clear & straightforward.
Generate Blocks got the PRO version with lots of great features – global styles, blocks effects & template libraries.
Here are some interesting considerations on grandchild themes & themeless templates. It really would make sense.
Here’s a fascinating article placed on Delicious Brains by Peter Tasker outlining what Unicode is.
Given 2020 everyone probably fears new year’s resolutions. WebDevStudios comes as an exception as they decided to share their plans for remote work.
XWP attempted a summary of the last decade & how it looked for the WP world.
Here’s an interesting report on JS. It covers everything – which tools we like & use, & where we get data on JS.