This week: PHP 8.x, PHP themes, headless, WordCamp Asia and much more.
There is no other person trying to make WordPress compatible with current versions of PHP as Juliette Reinders Folmer. In an interview with Kinsta, she explains what the PHP 8.x transition process should look like.
Ben Word shared his thoughts on whether PHP themes are dead. It can be said that the anothers rumors about the death of PHP are premature.
Corey Brown from Human Made shows how companies are using WordPress. And we are talking about really big players like Sony, TechCrunch or Disney. And still there are people saying that WP is only suitable for blogs.
Dan Knauss has created a great and comprehensive guide explaining the headless architecture in WP.
David Bisset summarized the Q&A with Matt that took place during WordCamp Asia.
Bob Dunn was the guest of the latest episode of WP Tavern Jukebox. The episode was devoted to how Bob has been building a community of people related to WooCommerce over the years.
Block Protocol is an initiative that allows to create universal blocks that can then be used in many applications. And we mention this because a plugin for WP has just appeared, and it allows to use the Block Protocol with WordPress.
Jonathan Bossenger explains how to create Gutenberg blocks without using React.
A wave of redundancies swept through the IT world. WP companies weren’t an exception. Felipe Elia shares his experience regarding finding remote employment.
A week without acquisitions, a week wasted. WP101 has been acquired by Awesome Motive. Shawn joined Motivations AI.
Staying on the topic of acquisitions – MonetizeMore took over Advanced Ads.